lots of options, be sure to try them all out, love the free sample, wish the return address was a cheaper option. also wish for an option to have something printed on the back. Quick service, completely satisfied
While I was very happy with this Christmas card for our company employees and vendors, I was disappointed that the envelopes which were ordered with the gold foil came in plain white. I did not complain about this as it was close to the holidays and the price was the same, but the gold foil lining would have looked perfect against the gold star and border on the card. It would have made the greeting much more elegant. The quality and weight of the card along with the design and inside printing was very nicely done, however.
The product was beautiful, timely, and complete in every detail. One small concern was the weight of the card when our Christmas letter was enclosed. It was so close to one ounce we did not dare use and labels other than ship to and return address. Next time we will order a product that will not be so close to the weight limit, allowing us to use a Merry Christmas label and the In GOD we trust label.