This card does not open up and there is an additional greeting on the flip side. Our company name is on the front which is lost when using a traditional card with the name inside. This is the first year we tried this style of card.
This product was worth the money
I was extremely pleased in the ease of ordering, quality of the product and direct communication on my business holiday card order. I will definitely be ordering from cardsdirect in the future!
As the end of our first year in business approached, we felt we needed to Thank our customers. This Christmas card was perfect for that! Simple yet elegant. Thank you for getting them completed so quickly. Glad we chose for our first Christmas card.
I was very pleased with the order. First, the delivery was very quick. That was key and I was quite surprised how quickly I received them even with standard delivery. Additionally, the overall quality for this card is quite nice. I was very pleased with the quality. This card gave me a great way to send holiday wishes at a very reasonable price.